A Variety of Shoes

A Variety of Shoes

Commonly Asked Podiatry Questions

Tessa Jean

Foot issues can be a terribly painful problem, and while foot problems are fairly common, patients will often lack the awareness and information needed to protect their feet. Becoming more informed about common podiatry issues should be useful to patients that are combating a range of problems.

Is Pain From Podiatry Problems Always Confined To The Feet?

With most medical problems, the pain from issues will typically be isolated to the general area where the problem is located. Sadly, this is not the case with your feet. Issues with the feet can cause you to stand awkwardly or to walk in an unnatural way. This can increase stress and strain on other joints, such as the hips and back.

What Does It Mean To Have A Collapsed Arch?

The feet will have to support your weight through the day, and they will have to absorb the shocks that are generated by each step that you take. The arch of the foot helps with this by absorbing much of this force. Unfortunately, the muscles that make up the arch of the foot can start to weaken or otherwise fail. This will cause the arch to collapse. Patients that are suffering from collapsed arches will find that standing, walking, and running can all be very painful after just a few minutes. In extreme cases, surgery is necessary to restore the arch, but patients that catch this problem when it is first starting may be able to correct it by simply wearing shoes that provide enough support to the feet.

How Do Inserts Help You To Avoid Foot Problems?

Wearing shoes that provide inadequate support is one of the main causes for patients to experience foot problems. One effective way of addressing shoes with inadequate support is through the use of shoe inserts. These inserts will supplement the internal padding of the shoe to provide your feet with enhanced support. While there are inserts available in the store, you may want to invest in having a set of inserts custom-fitted to your feet to enjoy the most support possible.

What Steps Are Taken To Treat Fungal Foot Problems?

Fungal infections can be another problem for feet. The moist and warm environment in the socks and shoes can allow fungal problems to quickly worsen once they develop. The best way for treating these issues is through the use of ointment that will need to be periodically applied to the feet. Also, you should take firm care to keep your feet clean to reduce the risk of the problem returning.

If nothing seems to be working with your particular foot problem, you may want to talk to your podiatrist about podiatry clinical trials and see if you are a candidate.


2024© A Variety of Shoes
About Me
A Variety of Shoes

Growing up, I was never very interested in buying a large quantity of shoes to pair with my outfits. I rarely owned more than five or six pairs of shoes at any given time. I usually wore either my favorite pair of sneakers, boots, flats, or heels everywhere I went. When I married my amazing husband ten years ago, my shoe closet expanded. My generous spouse encouraged me to buy some several pairs of cute shoes to match my clothing. After shopping for new shoes, I was hooked. Now, I rarely wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. Thankfully, I’ve learned that wearing a different type of shoe each day is good for my foot health. On this blog, you will discover the most important benefits of wearing a different kind of shoe every day of the week.
