A Variety of Shoes

A Variety of Shoes

Deluxe Pizza May Lead To Problems With The Feet In Those With Diabetes

Tessa Jean

Many people with diabetes eat deluxe pizzas because they believe that all of the vegetable items are healthier than one that is just meat. While that is technically true, a deluxe pizza can still be a problem for those with diabetes. In fact, it can lead to serious foot problems that require amputations. Thankfully, they can be avoided.

The Nature Of The Pizza Effect

When people with diabetes eat pizza, they are ingesting a lot of different items. For example, there are grains in the dough, fruit in the sauce, dairy in the cheese, various proteins in the meat, and even multiple proteins and carbs in the vegetables. As a result, a strange effect can occur if they eat deluxe pizza filled with healthy items, one that can be dangerous to their health.

This condition occurs when the more complex carbohydrates in the pizza are metabolized and end up raising the blood sugar. As a result, the blood sugar increase may not appear so heavy immediately after eating but will spike 2-5 hours later. Dangerous spikes like this can seriously impact the health of a person's feet in many ways.

How This Can Affect Feet Health

Sugar spikes in the body cause severe strain in the body that can impact the health of the limbs. For example, it can cause a problem known as peripheral neuropathy. This condition occurs when the nerves in a person's extremities are damaged. Typically, they are caused by a person who has too high of a blood sugar level for an extended period.

Sadly, this kind of damage can quickly get out of control and leave a person with no choice but to get their feet amputated. While most people with diabetes live their whole lives without amputations, those who do receive them typically get them in their toes, feet, or even their whole lower leg. That's why it is important to understand the blood sugar spikes caused by deluxe pizza and how to avoid them.

Pizza Can Still Be Eaten

While the intake of deluxe pizza should be limited in those with diabetes, it isn't impossible. In fact, people with diabetes can eat anything they want as long as they do so in moderation. Often, it is healthy to limit the intake of deluxe pizza to no more than a one or two slices. Pairing it with fruits and other types of foods can also create a healthier blood sugar level and make it easier for them to avoid serious problems with their feet.

It is also important to watch for symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, as this problem can develop slowly over a period of time. Those who enjoy eating pizza should pay attention to symptoms of numbness in their feet, burning sensations, pains, cramps, loss of reflexes, and muscle weakness. These symptoms often indicate a serious chance of developing this dangerous condition.

By watching these symptoms and carefully managing their diet, those with diabetes can enjoy an occasional slice of deluxe pizza without putting their feet at risk. In those who have lived with this disease for a lifetime, such steps are necessary for protecting their overall health.


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A Variety of Shoes

Growing up, I was never very interested in buying a large quantity of shoes to pair with my outfits. I rarely owned more than five or six pairs of shoes at any given time. I usually wore either my favorite pair of sneakers, boots, flats, or heels everywhere I went. When I married my amazing husband ten years ago, my shoe closet expanded. My generous spouse encouraged me to buy some several pairs of cute shoes to match my clothing. After shopping for new shoes, I was hooked. Now, I rarely wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. Thankfully, I’ve learned that wearing a different type of shoe each day is good for my foot health. On this blog, you will discover the most important benefits of wearing a different kind of shoe every day of the week.
